Customer Testimonials

We are honoured to serve thousands of some of the most innovate business in Africa. Here’s what some of these businesses have to say about us!

Don’t just take our word for it. See what people are saying!

Adetunji Sunday

La Chaumiere Restaurant Limited

Timely supply and affordable prices, It is good to do business with Vendease

Nwoka Obiora Chukwunonso

New Metro Lounge

Vendease helps us better account for payments and enables us to track our business figures more accurately

Anaele Emmanuel

Sooyah Bistro Ltd

I'm impressed by the availability of virtually all product ranges and their eagerness to lower prices to make customers satisfied

Nnamdi Okorie

Afefeyeye Restaurant and Bar

A One stop shop, fair working prices and logistics support. I would recommend VENDEASE to any Food and Beverages Business owner any day.

Abu Oluwakemi

Mo’chops n More

I can boldly say Vendease is God-sent to all businesses, especially small businesses that don’t have much capital but have capacity of doing more. Giving me access to credit and delivery makes the difference!

Onyinyechukwu Emmanuel

Jabi Boat Club

Keep up with getting the affordable price in every item especially getting from the direct source ( production company or Main distributors)


Captain's Bar and Lounge

Vendease assigned dedicated account managers who ensured that our orders and delivered as and when due. They also resolve our complaints promptly.

Gideon Obaino

Kokodome Plus Restaurant

Vendease's agents are amazing! We get every food and restaurant supply we ask for, exactly as we wanted

Sumaila Abdulramanu

The Corniche Hotel and Bistro

Vendease has be helpful by providing credit to our restaurant, which has enabled us to improve our sales value and optimise our strategies

Oluwagboyega Adeoye

Natureshed Enterprise limited

Vendease has fantastic vendors, and the procurement experience has been seamless, in addition to the company's corporate empathy for SMEs.

Adebayo Wasiu Ayodeji

AWAA foods

Thanks to Vendease, I have no worry of transportation anymore.

Mark Slade

Jara Beach Resort

Vendease has an attentive, organised, strategic relationship approach to working with my business. I was satisfied right from my first delivery!

Adetunji Sunday

La Chaumiere Restaurant Limited

Timely supply and affordable prices, It is good to do business with Vendease

Nwoka Obiora Chukwunonso

New Metro Lounge

Vendease helps us better account for payments and enables us to track our business figures more accurately

Anaele Emmanuel

Sooyah Bistro Ltd

I'm impressed by the availability of virtually all product ranges and their eagerness to lower prices to make customers satisfied

Nnamdi Okorie

Afefeyeye Restaurant and Bar

A One stop shop, fair working prices and logistics support. I would recommend VENDEASE to any Food and Beverages Business owner any day.

Abu Oluwakemi

Mo’chops n More

I can boldly say Vendease is God-sent to all businesses, especially small businesses that don’t have much capital but have capacity of doing more. Giving me access to credit and delivery makes the difference!

Onyinyechukwu Emmanuel

Jabi Boat Club

Keep up with getting the affordable price in every item especially getting from the direct source ( production company or Main distributors)


Captain's Bar and Lounge

Vendease assigned dedicated account managers who ensured that our orders and delivered as and when due. They also resolve our complaints promptly.

Gideon Obaino

Kokodome Plus Restaurant

Vendease's agents are amazing! We get every food and restaurant supply we ask for, exactly as we wanted

Sumaila Abdulramanu

The Corniche Hotel and Bistro

Vendease has be helpful by providing credit to our restaurant, which has enabled us to improve our sales value and optimise our strategies

Oluwagboyega Adeoye

Natureshed Enterprise limited

Vendease has fantastic vendors, and the procurement experience has been seamless, in addition to the company's corporate empathy for SMEs.

Adebayo Wasiu Ayodeji

AWAA foods

Thanks to Vendease, I have no worry of transportation anymore.

Mark Slade

Jara Beach Resort

Vendease has an attentive, organised, strategic relationship approach to working with my business. I was satisfied right from my first delivery!

Shift your focus to what matters

Focus on making delicious meals, and delivering top notch services and leave the procurement stress to us.

Let us help you save the sweat. Signup for consultation!